Get involved
Help us promote & support our local food economy
Eat foods from local farms and food producers using local ingredients.
Ask for local food options at your favorite markets and restaurants.
Talk to your friends & neighbors about local food and why you value it.
Search the Local Food Guide to find local food near you!
Volunteer to help organize the annual Local Food Forum & Expo.
Encourage local food businesses to be in our Local Food Guide.
Join the NE Indiana Farm to School Team to bring local food to our schools.
Build healthy soil & healthy local communities by supporting local farms.
Tour local food farms & businesses during Local Food Week.
Plan to spend 10% of your food budget on food from NE Indiana farms.
Connect to people across our region by knowing who produces your food.
Organize local food gatherings. (We’d love to work with you.)
Invest in our quality of place by investing in our local food economy.
Explore possibilities for partnering with us — get in touch!
Photo courtesy Hawkins Family Farm